Remembering Leo Fender on What Would Have Been His 110th Birthday

Today (August 10th) would’ve been Leo Fender’s 110th birthday!

We have three Fender guitars in my house. They are technically my son's guitars, but but I can play them whenever I want (which I do when I have time, although he is a much better guitar player than I will probably ever be).

Fender posted a great article on their website a couple years ago that featured 8 things you didn't know about Leo Fender. He wasn’t a guitar player (and legend says he didn’t know how to tune one), but his love for radio and electronics changed music forever!  He passed away back in 1991 after battling Parkinson's Disease, but his legacy lives on.

In the video below, you can see Mr. Fender's office. Everything is exactly as he left it on his last day of work.

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