Allegheny County Calls For "Non-Essential" Businesses To Close Voluntarily

Allegheny County officials are calling for “non-essential” businesses to close voluntarily starting Monday.

In a press release on Sunday evening, they said, "non-essential businesses in Allegheny County to close or implement alternative work strategies for at least 14 days – beginning tomorrow – to limit the spread of the virus through personal contact and surfaces."

County Executive Rich Fitzgerald says, “This is an unprecedented time in our community. Our region has always been at its best when we work together, and this challenge is no exception. We need everyone to step up and play a part in slowing the spread of COVID-19 in our region. We understand that this may cause hardship for some, and frustration for others, but it’s imperative that we work together to do what’s best for our community.”

Specific locations that would fall under this recommendation include:

  • child care centers
  • senior centers
  • community and recreation centers
  • gyms – including yoga, spin, barre and other similar facilities
  • hair salons, nail salons and spas
  • casinos
  • bars
  • concert venues
  • theaters
  • sporting event facilities
  • golf clubs
  • social clubs
  • non-essential retail facilities including shopping malls (except for pharmacy or other health care facilities located therein)

Officials said this recommendation does not impact grocery stores, pharmacies, and gas stations.

These are just recommendations and not orders from local officials. The announcement was also made in a video that you can watch below.

Download the full Press Release here.

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