DC Marijuana Justice is offering up an incentive for people to get a coronavirus vaccine...free weed!
The cannabis reform activist group of put out a press release this week that says, "Without a safe way for citizens to publicly gather to advocate for reforming the cannabis laws in the District of Columbia, DCMJ is excited for the vaccinations to be widely available."
"To celebrate this momentous occasion and thank people for getting vaccinated, dozens of DC homegrowers will lawfully distribute free bags of cannabis outside vaccination centers as soon as the general public is able to get vaccinated."
They also noted in the press release that to safely share a cannabis joint without potentially spreading COVID-19, "each user must be vaccinated–an objective that necessitates accessibility for all District residents."
Once the details about public vaccination sites in the District of Columbia are announced, DCMJ will issue another press release to let everyone know the locations where "Joints for Jabs" will be happening.
Photo: Getty Images