Police around the country are reminding everyone there ARE in fact laws when you're drinking White Claws. They are same laws that apply to everyone else.
I know, it should go without saying, but the phrase "No Laws When You're Drinkin' Claws" has gained a lot of popularity on social media this year, so several police departments around the country decided to debunk it.
The phrase was coined by comedian Trevor Wallace in a YouTube video he did back in June that now has over 2 million views. It's actually a hilarious video - check it out below. Wallace also tried selling t-shirts with the phrase on them after his video went viral, but he got a cease and desist from White Claw, so yeah, laws do apply! (story here)
NOTE: The Bathtownship Police Department in Michigan has the best post about laws n' claws yet:
FYI: There ARE still laws when you're drinking Claws. Especially when you get white girl wasted while drinking that fruity water and do something stupid.