Michele Michaels

Michele Michaels

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NFL Matchups for Wildcard Weekend. and Future Playoff Dates

Pittsburgh Steelers v Baltimore Ravens

Photo: Rob Carr / Getty Images Sport / Getty Images

Courtesy of the Washington Post staff, here's a quick look at the whole field for NFL Wild Card Weekend, including start times, locations, odds, and quick analysis....you know the Steelers are in Baltimore Saturday night at 8pm, the early game Saturday is the Chargers at the Texans--there are 3 games Sunday, and one (Vikings at the Rams) Monday night--here's everything: https://www.msn.com/en-us/sports/nfl/nfl-playoffs-bracket-schedule-and-matchups-as-opening-round-is-set/ar-AA1x28LL?ocid=hpmsn&cvid=c265399e1e4f46bf833e2df4e63a0d8e&ei=54

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