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Part of what we love about Ozzy Osbourne is his unfiltered, non malicious, craziness, and here, the gang at salutes the craziest stuff he's done that's been captured on the TV screen: these from the MTV series "The Osbournes": Ozzy throws a log through the neighbor's window, Ozzy talks into the butthole of one of his dogs, telling it to "quit pooping"....Ozzy when the famous ATV crash occurred that's caused medical problems ever since...and other TV moments: Ozzy just rolling with obscenity after obscenity on the 2003 American Music Awards (he warned them he'd need to be bleeped), Ozzy telling then young daughter Kelly, after making fun of the singers she liked, that Britney Spears did have "nice boobies"....more about those and more crazy Ozzy TV moments, here: