It's always fun to catch Hollywood with their editing pants down in major motion pictures, and it's truly amazing with the budgets and the professionals that work on films, they let mistakes and gaffes stay in the final cut of some of the biggest movies it's fun to seek these out in the Julia Roberts in "Pretty Woman" eating a croissant in a scene, then when they cut back to her, she's eating a pancake when Bill Paxton's riding in his red van in "Twister" and the windshield shatters, they cut back, and the windshield is just in the late scene in "Jurassic Park" where the velociraptors are hunting the kids in the kitchen, you can see a crew member's hand holding up the Velociraptor as it comes in the Brad Pitt eating shrimp out of a glass, which turns into a plate later are 40+ goof ups in famous movies, and see if you can catch the misspelling in the "Gotham News" from "The Dark Knight Rises'" here.