Michele Michaels

Michele Michaels

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Today is the 19th Anniversary of Three Rivers Stadium Going Kaboom

Three Rivers Stadium in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania i

Courtesy Getty Images

How many cool games and events did you see at Three Rivers Stadium? Did you watch the final event, when the stadium was imploded on this date back in 2001? The gang from DVE boarded one of the boats in the Gateway Clipper Fleet with hundreds of our coworkers and listeners for a large and raucous implosion party to say "see ya" to the place that brought us championships and killer concerts...here's more stuff about that morning from Alexis Johnson of the Post-Gazette https://www.msn.com/en-us/sports/nfl/19-years-ago-three-rivers-stadium-went-out-with-a-bang/ar-BBZSPGe?ocid=hplocalnews

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