National Donut Day is Friday, June 1st.
Donut Day was started by the Salvation Army to commemorate their dedication to supporting the military.  During World War 1, Salvation Army Volunteers served donuts to the soldiers near the front lines to boost morale. Giant Eagle is celebrating National Donut Day by donating a portion of proceeds from donut sales on June 1st to The Salvation Army. That day you can get a dozen donuts for ONLY $3.99!  Celebrate with us and share a picture of you and your donut on social media with the hash tag #GIVING IS SWEET           

Take a photo of yourself and post to social with hashtags #NationalDonutDay  #GivingIsSweet and encourage others to do the same! Be sure to Tag @SalArmyPGH on Twitter and Instagram or SalvationArmyWesternPA on Facebook!

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