The weird, wacky game show that had (the late) host Chuck Barris, the Unknown Comedian and Gene Gene the Dancing Machine is coming back. The original show had a constantly rotating cast of judges, and that formula will remain in the reboot, with guests like Will Forte, Elizabeth Banks, Will Arnett, Alison Brie, Zach Glifinakis, Jack Black, Andy Samberg, Joel McHale, Anthony Anderon and Dana Carvey all scheduled to make appearances.
However, the host is the big question. Who can stand up to Barris? The Hollywood Reporter’s Lacey Rose spoke with newly-revealed The Gong Show host, calling himself "Tommy Maitland", who is actually believed to be Mike Meyers with face prosthetics and makeup. There’s no official word from the network or the team behind the show, but the profile picture on his newly-created Twitter account does bear resemblance to Myers, with a hint of his “Fat Bastard” character from Austin Powers. Myers appears to be going full-method approach to this role, and it’s unclear if he will ever be acknowledged in the show’s credits or promotional material as his true identity.