Five Cooling Centers Opened as Temps Rise in Pittsburgh on Wednesday

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It's going to be a warm one around the 'Burgh with highs near 90°! CitiParks has opened five cooling centers for the day. They will be open until 7:00 pm. All are welcome to come and cool off.

  • Brighton Heights Healthy Active Living Community Center 
    • 3515 McClure Avenue Pittsburgh, PA 152123 
    • 412-766-4656
  • Greenfield Healthy Active Living Community Center 
    • 745 Greenfield Avenue Pittsburgh, PA 15217 
    • 412-422-6551
  • Homewood Healthy Active Living Community Center 
    • 7321 Frankstown Road Pittsburgh, PA 15208 
    • 412-244-4190
  • Sheraden Healthy Active Living Community Center 
    • 720 Sherwood Avenue Pittsburgh, PA 15204 
    • 412-777-5012
  • South Side Market House Healthy Active Living Community Center 
    • 12th & Bingham Streets Pittsburgh, PA 15203
    • 412-488-8404

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