Rock Stars in Jail

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Many, many rock stars have been known for rebellious behavior, often stemming from substance abuse, and pushing the envelope in general, so no surprise there have been some famous, and not so famous, brushes with the law, and jail time for some as well...Mick Jagger and Keith Richards both got jailtime--Mick a couple days, and Keith 2 months of a one year sentence, for Keith's country home being a haven for drug use, and Mick for being caught with a bunch of amphetamines at Keith's place when Keith was absent...Ozzy as a teen serving 7 weeks for not paying fines stemming from a burglary conviction, then in 1989 when, in a substance abuse blackout, he told his wife Sharon she had to die, and he jumped on her and strangled her...Eddie Vedder was in jail for a few hours stemming from an early morning drunken fight in New Orleans...then there's Paul McCartney's famous drug bust at a Tokyo airport when he had almost a half pound of weed in his's more about all those, plus other rockers, like Tommy Lee, and their stories of doing time.

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