E. H. "Sonny" Bringol, Jr., President of Victorian Finance

E. H. "Sonny" Bringol, Jr., President, Victorian Finance

Every family has a story. The "Victorian Story" started in 2003 when Sonny Bringol infused the principals of chemical engineering into the mortgage business. A former chemical engineer by trade, Sonny transitioned into business process consulting where he saw the disconnect in how most mortgage companies operate. He found most mortgage companies function in a model where sales and operations have an adversarial at best relationship and where departments become wrapped up in process rather than the end goal.

Engineers do everything with the end result in mind. They reverse engineer processes, materials, etc. to achieve the end result. Like mortgage professionals, they do it as team. The similarities were easy to recognize.

Closing on time is the main goal of any operation as it develops repeat clientele and makes the job of a loan officer much easier. Sonny designed his company culture and process to function with the end goal in mind—meeting closing dates. Since the mortgage industry is unique, influenced by a number of factors outside an organization (regulation, etc.), their process is always evolving to accommodate those changes while keeping their eye on the goal. Everyone in the Victorian Family is tasked with being a problem solver, innovator and team player. Their loan officers get to each closing on time as this is the main challenge in a successful loan transaction—this process creates stability, accountability and predictability so that loan officers can sell with confidence and have a trusting relationship with their operations partners.

President, Sonny Bringol, started Victorian Finance, LLC to help Pittsburghers achieve the American Dream of home ownership. And he has expanded that achievement to more than 13 states and 20 offices, and is still growing.  Victorian Finance will always be an evolving organization with an unwavering goal so that every member of the Victorian Family can be proud.

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